Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Majenang City

Majenang City

Majenang is a small city in southern of Central java. Exactly Majenang is placed in the border of West and Central Java Province. This city was been developed as a student city as like as Yogyakarta. There is only a little bit information about Majenang. In the past while Indonesia was been occupied by The Netherland, there are many timber industry around this city, and nowadays we still can see. Around Majenang we can find some rubber plantation, jungle heritages and also teak plantation. In the rainy session, this city usually have watering, because there is a big river near this city, the rivers flowing down to Segara Anakan Beach. Face to face with Nusakambangan Island.

Nowadays Majenang develop into a big city and student city, after they have a status as an administration city. While you stop at Majenang, let you find out. There are many tourism object not so far from Majenang, as like Teluk Penyu Beach, Segara Anakan Beach, Nusakambangan Island in the southern Majenang; Pangandaran Beach, Cijulang Grand Canyon in the western area of Majenang.

Majenang is an entry point to enter Central Java in the South Java Route from western area. While you have a journey you can choose this route, than following a busy road as Pantura in the northern territory of Central Java. Following the southern Java road, you will pass some mountain with her wood heritages in the both sides of road. You will have a fresh scene nary. It is good for your healthy. I give you a recommendation to follow this route.
Don’t forget! You can buy some “Pisang Sale (Banana Smoked)” for a gift from Majenang. Pisang Sale is the trade mark of Majenang City. They have gift big support to Majenang income. (Written by Djoe and Juhdy).