Selasa, 17 Maret 2009


Between 1568-1586 in central Java Island, There is a Pajang Kingdome, Sultan Hadiwijaya rules this kingdome. He have a famous name “Jaka Tingkir”. While a brotherhood war between Arya Penangsang, Jipang Residencial. The sultan is a winner. He have some aid from his commander ki Ageng Pemanahan. And his son, Bagus Sutawijaya. He is setle in the north of a market. So he is wellknow as Ngabehi Loring Pasar. After wining the war, Sultan granted him a wide land of Bumi Mentaok. Bagus Sutawijaya rules Bumi Mentaok, in the future became Yogyakarta Sultanate. He rules in his famous name Panembahan Senopati. Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusuma had rule mataram kingdom as the third sultanate. He is one of son of Panembahan Senopati with Retno Dumilah, the daughter of Madiun Residence. He is a real hero. He could win a fight with VOC of Dutch Kingdome. Sultan Agung could take over Batavia from VOC.
In the 1813, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, granted his land to his son Notokusumo Prince. The area is about the west of Progo River. Than Prince Notokusumo rules the land of Adikarto. He called as Sri Paku Alam I. After Independence Day of Indonesia, he makes a union of Yogyakarta. And Yogyakarta state as a part of Republic of Indonesia