Selasa, 17 Maret 2009



Among four years of 1946 – 1949 Yogyakarta is the capital of Republic of Indonesia. All the founding father stays in here. .. The Fighter City. As a capital, all the younger Indonesian people had been attracted to come to Jogja. They want to have participated in the development program a new country. Indonesia needs many educated people and skilled people. So the government builds a University in Jogja. This is the first university of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University.

After that, there was built Academi Seni Rupa Indonesia (Fine Art Academic of Indonesia), and for Islamic study, there is Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri …IAIN Sunan Kalijaga. Time by time, there are many college and university were built in Jogja. At the end there is no subject matter that never studying in Jogja. They have their own college or university. So jogja called as Student City also. Jogja has developed as a student city and became the centre of education of Indonesia. The most popular transportation modus in Jogja is a bike or a motorbike. Almost the people use it; even do officer and student in jogja. Along the day almost jogjanesse people use a bike...than Jogja is wellknows as a Bike City. ( by Joe and Adjie )